Highlife homestead’s purpose can be described in one word
More than a mission, deeper than a philosophy
We look at “livestock” differently
At our homestead, we apply the philosophy of ahimsa to everything we do. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word meaning non-harming or non-violence. When you are in the business of raising livestock, this is a challenge, but one worth meeting.
Our Animals
We raise several breeds of chickens and sell hatching eggs, egg subscriptions and even feathers!
We raise our own variety of ducks, which have roots in Silver Appleyard ducks, Khaki Campbell Ducks and Cayuga Ducks. This designer breed is hearty enough to face cold winters with ease (and tend to lay throughout he winter) they are excellent foragers and they are dual purpose birds. LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR DUCKS
We breed Nigerian Dwarf Goats and we offer wethers, bucks, doelings and yearlings. CLICK HERE TO SEE OUR AVAILABLE GOATS.
We raise mixed breed pigs that we employ as utility animals on the farm as well as for meat. If you are interested in dual purpose piglets, CLICK HERE FOR AVAILABILITY.